Registration page

It is not possible to submit an abstract anymore, the deadline was December the 6th, 2024, at 12.00 CET (noon).
But you can still participate to CSA 2025 as attendee!

Registrations for the "Hands-on PsicoStat" workshop are possible up to the number of 50 participants! only up to December, the 20th, 2025 at noon (CET).

--> FEES:
  • Presenters Junior (bachelor/master students, graduate students, PhD students, post-PhD, trainees, which present a talk/poster) = 30 euro. Remember: you will have to pay just after that we have sent to you the email confirmation of your acceptance!
  • Attendees Junior (bachelor/master students, graduate students, PhD students, post-PhD, trainees) = No fees;
  • Senior (Professors, Tenures researchers) = 70 euro;
  • If you have received the confirmation to participate to the "Hands-on Psicostat" workshop, add 20 euros to your fees.
The registration will include:
  • attendance to the sessions,
  • the meal of Friday and Saturday (in the university's canteen),
  • coffee-breaks and the Wine, Cheese and Cheers event,
  • attendance certificate,
  • workshop materials.

If you want to participate, fill in the form below:



Email Address:


Are you presenting an abstract?
Which gadget do you prefer?
Check, if you want to participate to the workshop "Hands-on Psicostat"



To help prevent spam, please enter the answer to this question:

8 + 1 = ?

By clicking on "Submit" I hereby accept to provide the CSA organization committee with the above data, which must be processed in compliance to all the strict regulation of the European GDPR/18 for the sole purposes of the congress and not transferred to anyone


In order to be registered, presenters and senior participants must pay the fees through a bank transfer in favor of:
Associazione IMG NETWORK APS
IBAN: IT90I0604511700000005003897
specifying as reason: "Registration CSA" as well as your name and surname.
If you are not able to dispose a bank transfer, contact us as soon as possible.