The program will be updated after the deadline for abstract submission.
Thursday 13th | Friday 14th | Saturday 15th | Sunday 16th | |
morning | Hands on PsicoStat | Session 2 Minitalks 10-16 |
Session 5 Poster Session |
Freetime |
afternoon | Session 1 Minitalks 1-9 |
Minitalks 17-25 Session 3 Session 4 |
Session 6 The Smart Talk |
Travelling home |
evening | Valiant & Painter Awards + Cheers, cheese & wine Event |
8.30 - Registration desk is open
9.00 - 13.00: The HANDS-ON PSICOSTAT event!
The hands-on methodological workshop held by Psicostat's members Giulia Calignano and Filippo Gambarota (University of Padua): “Multiverse analysis in R: Exploratory and Inferential Approaches” (Participation is reserved for those who applied and received confirmation of acceptance).
13.00 - Lunch (in the Canteen: open from 11.45 to 14.30)
Afternoon: 14.30 - Presentation and welcome addresses by the Organizing Committee
Afternoon (Session 1): Social Cognition (Chair: D. Basso)
- 15.00 – Friebe, K.: The influence of task demands on joint action planning
- 15.25 – Sakata, C.: Spontaneous co-representation of a co-actor’s target template in a visual search
- 15.50 – Bavagnoli, A.: Mothers’ and fathers’ reflective functioning and co-parenting: effects on children’s adjustment
- 16.15 – Marelli, A.: Impact of headache on family relationships: A descriptive mixed-method study
- 16.40 – Gianeselli, I.: No (meta)cognition, no party: a novel training through performing arts to educate a transparent mind
Friday 14th, February
Morning (Session 2): Attention and Executive Function (Chair: G. Mento)
9.30 – Seethaul, Y.: When the shot backfires: how motivated reasoning leads to beliefs that oppose scientific evidence- 9.55 – Saban, W.: Processing of error signals in higher cognition is compromised in cerebellar ataxia
- 10.20 – Gattuso, M., Profiling individuals aging trajectories of an old-adult population: a mixed-method approach
- 10.45 – Graziano, F.: the effect of smoking on brain metabolism and cognitive reserve
- 11.10 – Boscarol, S.: Investigating the effects of tVNS on long-term potentiation induced by PAS
12.00 - Lunch (in the Canteen: open from 11.45 to 14.20)
Afternoon: 13.30 - Poster mini-talks 3/3 (from #19 to #26)
Afternoon (Session 3): Perception (Chair: M. Grassi)
- NEW: 13.55 – Andriushchenko, E.: The role of active memory maintenance in amplifying serial dependence: More than attention?
- 14.20 – Serafini, L.: Faces in bias: ERP evidence for gender stereotype asymmetry in word-face and face-word priming
14.20 – Logvinenko, T.: Reliability of Perceptual Tasks and Their Association with Reading Ability in Children- 14.45 – Franchin, E.: Achieving stability in an unstable world: Size constancy dynamics in perception and action
- 15.10 – Rollo, B.: Exploring Anauralia: investigating mental auditory representations through tRNS
- 15.35 – Tommasini M.: The Temporal Features of Size Constancy in 2D and 3D Stimuli Reveals a Real-World Advantage
Afternoon (Session 4): Spatial cognition and language (Chair: M. Cottini)
- 16.30 – Prestera, G.: Building Spatial Skills in Primary Education: The Impact of Artec Blocks
- 16.55 – Possenti, M.: The Role of Semantic Information in Egocentric and Allocentric Spatial Representations Processes
- 17.20 – Gobbo, M.: A Multilevel Linguistic Analysis reveals linguistic impairments in persons with Multiple Sclerosis
- 17.45 – Diana, S.M.: Interoceptive and Exteroceptive Processes in Conceptual Categorization during pregnancy
- The decision about the "Friday Night Fever" sledge event depends on the Plose company: information will be provided as soon as possible.
Morning (Session 5): Methodology (Chair: F. Gambarota)
- 9.00 - Alfarone, I.: Change of d-irection: Alternative methods for meta-analysis in psychology
- 9.25 – Perugini, A.: Do the areas overlap? An implementation of the Permutation Test on the Overlapping Index
- 9.50 – Zanchi, S.: What Comes Next: A Nonlinear Analysis of Healthy Postural Control in a Multisensory Environment
- Gr.1#1 - Verroca, A.: Adaptive Neural Dynamics in Retinal Dystrophies: Insights from SSVEP and TMS-EEG Investigations
- Gr.1#2 - Ghislandi, A.: Facial feedback enhances conscious awareness by stabilizing positive stimuli in consciousness
- Gr.1#3 - Ciavatti, N.: Isolating Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCCs) Using Mooney Stimuli: A No-report Paradigm
- Gr.1#4 - Ferrante, D.: Disengagement of Value-Modulated Attentional Capture
- Gr.1#5 - Petkova, R.: Gaze cueing and its modulators
- Gr.1#6 - Guarnuto, E. M.: From Objects to Ensembles: How Scene Clutter Modulates Animacy and Size Representations
- Gr.2#7 - Magni, G.: Preliminary Analysis on the Impact of Embodied Metaphors on Cognitive and Linguistic Abilities
- Gr.2#8 - Chu, D.: ERPs Reveal Whether Distance Affects Morphosyntactic Processing in Natives and Bilinguals
- Gr.2#9 - Biondi, M.: The left hemispheric lateralization for language: a High-Density EEG protocol validation study
- Gr.2#10 - Menghini, M.: Parafoveal Processing: How Reading Changes with Age
- Gr.2#11 - Mercugliano, A.: Early Predictors of Writing Skills: A Phenotypic and Genetic Analysis Using a Twin Difference Design
- Gr.2#12 - Vodenova, Y.: How does range of motion impact sense of agency and word recognition?
- Gr.3#13 - Attanasio, M.: Social cognition tests in autism: from diagnosis to interventions with LLM and Robots
- Gr.3#14 - Tanieli, M.: Brain-heart-interaction in implicit emotional processing: unveiling the cerebellar role
Gr.3#15 - Hajric, M.: Emotion Regulation in Focus: Unraveling the Dynamics of Choice and Social Support- Gr.3#16 - Hansen, N.: Analyses of the relationship between flow of information and interindividual attraction
- Gr.3#17 - Colombo, C.: The impact of daytime sleep on emotional memory consolidation and reactivity
- Gr.4#18 - Laureano Benincá, I.: Boosting Action Observation and Motor Imagery with augmented visual feedback in Parkinson's Disease
- Gr.4#19 - Corsa, A.: From Vigilance to Delirium: Insights from the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART)
- Gr.4#20 - Livoti, V.: Age Is Just A Number! Studying Multitasking with a Lifespan Perspective
- Gr.4#21 - Petrin, A.: How visual working memory works? A computational approach for continuous response space data
- Gr.4#22 - Paludo, G.: Computational Thinking Beyond Logic: Connections with Cognitive Flexibility and Creativity
- Gr.5#23 - Baldassarri, A.: Effects of closed-loop auditory stimulation in an ecological setting
- Gr.5#24 - Wendelstorf, N.J.: The Impact of Word Placement and Type on the Effectiveness of Variable Message Boards
- Gr.5#25 - Gündüz, B.: Assessing the Reliability of Auditory Processing Tasks: A Systematic Review
- Gr.5#26 - Örnolfsson, I.: The impact of acoustic noise on joint decision-making strategies
- 14.30 – Bozzetto, B.: Evaluating the Efficacy of Nonfocal Cues as a Measure of Strategic Monitoring in Prospective Memory
- 14.55 – Zonca, S.: Daily living computational skills: the correct answer is not always the exact one
- 15.20 – Stefanelli, G.: Super Learning Bros: Developmental trajectories of probabilistic learning in volatile environment
- The talk of Andriushchenko is anticipated to Perception (Friday afternoon)
15.40 – Ampofo, P.: Enhancing Associative and Relational Memory Using Virtual Reality: A Pilot Study
Late afternoon
- 16.30 - The Smart Talk, Michéle Nuijten: Checking Robustness in 4 Steps.
- 18.00: "Valiant Award" & "Painter Award"
- Then: Cheers, cheese & wine event: a selection of wines from the South-Tyrol region will be offered to participants, along with salami, cheese, bread, etc., while talking and commenting about this edition of the CSA meeting. The Event will start at the end of the Awards, and will end after that the last drop of wine has fall into a glass. Each glass is different from the other ones, and (if you indicated you want it) you can (must..) bring it at home with you!