Welcome to the CSA conference!

We would like to invite you to the Cognitive Science Arena (CSA).

Our aim is to set a conference where young researchers can present their work in a friendly and cooperative environment with the audience challenging him/her in a fruitful debate. The goal of CSA is to provide a competent and useful “boot camp” for anyone how would like to a) practice the skills of giving a talk or discussing a poster, and b) develop his/her research based on suggestions from the audience. Along this line, highly innovative research ideas are encouraged as well as "in progress" research.

The key-ideas of the CSA are the following:
  1. papers by young scientists only without a full-term position (master students, PhD students and post-doctoral students, researchers with a fixed-term contract...);
  2. long time for each speaker: 15 minutes talk + 10 minutes discussion;
  3. "You will never talk alone": poster-session with dedicated time for each poster;
  4. "Short-talks for posters": Poster presenters are also asked to prepare a three-minute talk (with PowerPoint-like presentations) that summarizes and introduces the audience to the content of the poster;
  5. "Verba volant, scripta manent" (aka, several anonymous reviewers): attendees can write comments, criticisms and suggestions to the speaker, via paper and pencil. Comments are delivered to the speaker at the end of the talk (or poster) session;
  6. PADLET: Starting from 2018 edition at CSA we use padlet. Padlet is a virtual blackboard where you can write (anonymously or not: you decide!) questions, comments, criticisms, hurray, etc. while the speaker is giving his/her talk;
  7. in progress and high-risk research is also welcome!
  8. Still running!... Submitted abstracts can span from simple ideas to “under review”. Papers with a DOI cannot be accepted (unless the DOI was assigned in the time window spanning from abstract's deadline to the dates of the conference).

The conference will be held in Brixen-Bressanone (Italy), on February 13-15th, 2025.

New this year!

The Smart Talk!

This year we are delighted to guest Michéle Nuijten (Tilburg University, NL). She will deliver the talk: "Checking Robustness in 4 Steps". The talk is scheduled on Saturday afternoon, at the end of the afternoon session.

More room for Talks!

Every year CSA is receiving very good feedback from participants and attendees. We are also very selective, and each year we are forced (because of time constraints) to drop several interesting contributions. This year we will extend the time for talks to Thursday afternoon. In other words, we will be able to accommodate five more talks to our program. Hurrah!

Hands on PsicoStats!

CSA has always been a conference oriented to early career researchers. Last year we organized amethodological seminar with the group Psicostat. Feedbacks were very positive and, thus, we are happy to offer it again!
On Thursday, the 13th morning (i.e., the first day of CSA) we will host a hands-on methodological workshop held byGiulia Calignano & Filippo Gambarota (University of Padua): "Multiverse analysis in R: Exploratory and Inferential Approaches".
Pay attention: At the registration on the website, remember to flag the Psicostat option. The workshop can host max 30 participants (first come, first served) and a fee of 15 euros is required. If admitted, 1- you can go on and pay the fee (PAY ONLY AFTER CONFIRMATION), 2- remember to bring your laptop with you!.