

  Friday 17th Saturday 18th Sunday 19th
morning Session 1

Poster Mini-talks 1
Session 4 Freetime
afternoon Session 2

Poster Mini-talks 2

Session 3

Poster Mini-talks 3
Poster Session

Session 5
Travelling home
evening Sledge Event The Smart Talk

Awards - Cheers, cheese & Wine Event
Friday 17th, February

9.00 - Registration desk is open

9.45 - Presentation and welcome addresses by the Organizing Committee

Morning (Session 1): Perception & Attention
  • 10.00 - Ferrante O.: Cross-talk between target selection and distractor suppression mechanisms in statistical learning
  • 10.30 - Sharp P.: Selective attention modulates the temporal window of integration
  • 11.00 - Proklova D.: Decoding object shape and object category with MEG
  • 11.30 - Passarelli M.: Exploring self-reported facial recognition ability
Morning: Mini-Talks 1 (12.00 - 12.30)
  • Gr.1.1 - Ragni F.: An eccentricity effect for different stimulus categories during visual imagery
  • Gr.1.2 - Zazio A.: Perceptual and physiological consequences of dark-adaptation: a TMS-EEG study
  • Gr.1.3 - Pelagatti C.: Traveling on a mental time line: is temporal focus of mind-wandering biased by spatial information?
  • Gr.1.4 - Wimmer L.: Mindfulness training for improving cognition: Investigating the incremental value of Yoga
  • Gr.2.1 - Dall'Acqua T.: Effects of intentionality and subliminal information in response inhibition
  • Gr.2.2 - Cesana E.: Faces perception and social judgement: effects of gaze direction and photographic style
12.30 - Lunch


Afternoon (Session 2): Action & executive cognition
  • 13.30 - Moretti S.: Assessing with the head: a nod-shake compatibility effect
  • 14.00 - Rothacher Y.: Neuropsychological aspects of redirected walking
  • 14.30 - Ariani G.: Time-resolved MVPA of movement planning, execution, and suppression
  • 15.00 - Duma G.: Driving with Intuition: a study about the EEG anticipation of simulated random car accidents
Afternoon: Mini-Talks 2 (15.30 - 16.00)
  • Gr.2.3 - Timberlake B.: Priming Regret: Induced counterfactual thinking drives learning strategy in a novel task
  • Gr.2.4 - La Rocca S.: Cerebellum and social cognition: a TMS study
  • Gr.3.1 - Grazioli S.: Is the Frontal Assessment Battery selectively frontal? An FDG-PET study in patients with dementia
  • Gr.3.2 - Oliva R.: Metacognition in individuals recovered from anorexia nervosa: a voxel based morphometry study
  • Gr.3.3 - Montemurro S.: The role of Cognitive Reserve in the global cognitive decline: the "strange" case of proper names
  • Gr.3.4 - Mazancieux A.: The relationship between implicit and explicit memory: A new perceptual identification task
  • Gr.4.1 - Spaccasassi C.: Modulation of peripersonal space extension by reward and punishment
16.00 - Coffee-break


Afternoon (Session 3): Emotions and Personality
  • 17.00 - Piotrowska-Półrolnik M.: Alexithymia: psychological factor of hypertension
  • 17.30 - Osowiecka M.: Negative emotions - the basis for creation?
  • 18.00 - Epifania O.: Now you see me: personality predictors of tattoo visibility
Afternoon: Mini-Talks 3 (16.30 - 17.00)
  • Gr.4.2 - Nalborczyk L.: Articulatory suppression effects on verbal rumination
  • Gr.4.3 - Aringhieri G.: Time and numbers: Thinking about our past increases the accessibility of small numbers
  • Gr.4.4 - Molto L.: Actions constraint visual perception: Role of motor simulation
  • Gr.5.1 - Sacchi C.: Exploring the neural correlates socio-emotional development in IUGR newborns. A starting project
  • Gr.5.2 - De Vita C.: Links between ANS acuity and mathematics ability: contributions of inhibitory control
  • Gr.5.3 - Calignano G.: Efficiency in disengagement and language acquisition: A longitudinal study from 4 to 6 month-olds
  • Gr.5.4 - Casazza E.: Assessing interplay between theory of mind, persuasion and social skills through graphical models

  • 19.00 - For those who like to sledge, there is a nice opportunity on the Plose area: the Friday Night Fever. In the evening there is no public trasportation, so we will reach the ski resort by ourselves (who's coming to Brixen by car and wants to participate is automatically enrolled as a chauffeur...!).


Saturday 18th February

Morning (Session 4): Psychophysiology & cognitive neuropsychology
  • 10.00 - Rodella C.: TDCS polarity-dependent excitability changes in physiological brain aging: a TMS-EEG study
  • 10.30 - Moret B.: Transcranial random noise stimulation improves visual functions in adult with Amblyopia
  • 11.00 - Testa G.: Cognitive control in obese patients seeking bariatric surgery: ERPs and behavioral measures
  • 11.30 - Devita M.: Cognitive profile and reaction times of patients with OSAS: a longitudinal study
12.00 - Lunch


Afternoon: Poster session: group discussions & free exploration (13.00 - 14.30).


Afternoon (Session 5): Learning, memory & decision-making
  • 14.30 - Viganó S.: Categorical learning: from perceptual to conceptual spaces
  • 15.00 - Talamini F.: Musicians have a better memory than nonmusicians: a meta-analysis
  • 15.30 - Maciaszek P.: The effect of culture on memory biases: exploratory analysis
  • 16.00 - Caserotti M.: Retired people: How economic resources impact cognitive performance

  • 16.45 - The Smart Talk, by Chambers C.: Registered Reports and the Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines: Tools for improving the reproducibility of psychology and cognitive neuroscience
  • Then: "Valiant Award" & "Painter Award"
  • Then: Cheers, cheese & wine event: a selection of wines from the South-Tyrol region will be offered to participants. Several sorts of wines will be tasted along with sandwiches, salami, cheese & bread, while talking and commenting about this edition of the CSA meeting. The Event will start at the end of the Awards, and will end after that the last drop of wine has fall into a glass. Each glass is different from the other ones, and it is a present for you: you can bring it at home!
